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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Peles Castle & Pelisor Castle

Peles & Pelisor Castles are Sinaia's claim to fame. It was a quick 10 minute walk from the Hotel Marea Neagra to Peles Castle. Follow the Googles Map route that takes you through a wooded path.

Peles Castle was built by Romania's first king, Carol I, as his summer retreat. Building began in 1873 and took 10 years to complete. It was turned over to the state after King Michael abdicated in 1947. In 1997, the castle was returned to the royal family. Today, it's owned by Princess Margareta but still houses the Peles National Museum.

It's closed on Mondays but the hours of operation are different on the website vs what's posted on the sign at the castle. To complicate things, winter hours are different from summer hours.

Peles Castle was definitely worth a visit. Plan on spending 1-2 hours touring.

A statue of King Carol I stands guard over his castle.

The grounds are beautiful.

The inner courtyard is painted with murals. It reminded me of Oberammergau in Germany.

Admission is 30 lei ($7.07) and is supposed to include an English tour. There is a camera fee but quite a few people were taking pictures with their cell phones and I doubt they paid the fee. On Tuesdays, the tour is limited to the first floor.

After buying your ticket, wait in line to enter the castle. You enter in groups. After we entered, we discovered that there was no tour so we rushed ahead to join a Grand Circle Tour group that had entered just before we did. They had their own guide who spoke English and we tagged along.

This is the Arms Room, where over 1600 pieces of war and hunting implements are displayed.

Next to the Arms Room is a small room where a glass case displays the most prized possessions, including a sword with shark skin.

The stained glass windows are beautiful.

In the Library, there is a sculpture of Queen Elizabeth, wife of Carol I, tatting (similar to crocheting). She was an author and wrote with the pen name Carmen Sylva hence it made sense for her to be in the Library.

The Library has a secret passageway hidden behind one of bookshelves. Look for the panel with fake books.

The Florentine Room with 2 large chandeliers

The Moor Hall

The Dining Room could seat 40.

The Theatre has 60 seats.

A short 100 meter walk from Peles Castle is Pelisor Castle. It's closed on Tuesdays but you can walk around the grounds.

Pelisor Castle was built by Ferdinand I, nephew of Carol I, who didn't like Peles Castle.

2019 09 17

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